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You know you are Puerto Rican..


Freestyle and DDR Junkie
Freestyle Nation
You know you are Puerto Rican...:

...when you call any brand or type of cereal "CON FLEI"

...when you wear CHANCLETAS instead of flip flops

...when you read "EL Vocero" rather than the local newspaper

...when you say Carlos Colon can beat the crap out of Hulk Hogan

...when you make it an obligation to watch "La Comay" every night at 6pm

..."Si te han dado baños de alcoholado pa’. bajarte la fiebre."

...When you're taking a shower you use the word "esnú" for being naked

...when you tell your kids "El Cuco" will take them away if they don't behave.

...when you say "por cojer sereno" as the cause for a fever or cold.

...when someone says "Medalla" and you ask that person for a beer.

...when you call things as "desto" and "aquello" because you forgot to call a thing you are pointing out by its name

...when you call a nickel and/or a dime a "vellón"

...when you go to a child's birthday party, and you see a nice spread of "arroz con gandules", "pernil", "mollejas en escabeche", and potato salad, while also finding a few cases of beer in a fridge, but you cannot find the soda or Kool aid for the kids.

...when you see the adults dancing on a child's birthday party, while the kids are bored out of their minds. :rotf:

...when you reffer to potato chips, and cheese puffs as "CHITOS"

...when you chat in a chatroom you laugh as "JAJAJAJA" instead of "HAHAHAHA"
:rotf:...soy Mexicano pero growing up in the "D" son muchas razas y one of my best friends through high school was Peurto Rican. I learned alot being around his familia and damn could his mom make some good a$$ arroz con candules.
dude you left out a few... let me help ya

You know your mom is sneaking up on you cause you can hear her "chancletas" flapping on the linoleum floor.

Your mother yells at the top of her lungs to summon you to dinner and you only live in a one bedroom apartment.

You have ever called linoleum floor a "rug"

You have gone to titi's house and passed through the "bead curtain" in the living room.

You step into a house that has all those little figurines taking up every inch of space on the tv and under the tv.

You have a perpetually drunk uncle.

You know someone in your family named Maria, Chucho, Papo, Tito or Carmen.

You call rug -carpeta , roof-rufo, parking-palkin, stress-estress, library- libreria instead of biblioteca, boiler-boila, sucker-soca, or to knock-noquiar.

You have told your kid not to walk the floor barefoot or they'll catch a cold.

You need a cup of coffee after every meal.

Your sister has more mustache than your father.

One of your aunt's weighs over 300 pounds.

Your cousins are delinquents.

Your uncle owns more gold than that jewelry shop down the street.

You have sat in a two-passenger car with over seven people in it.

You have a picture of "Cristo" in your house.

You think your name begins like this "Ave Maria purísima, (insert your name)"

You walk around saying "chacho" or "chacha" or "ay,bendito".

You have said, "no, hombe" instead of "no, hombre" to both sexes.

You do that funny pointing thing with your nose and if the person doesn't understand you, you use the lips for emphasis.

You can speak with your face, ex: twitch like a rabbit to ask "what do you want?"

You drive a "cheby" (chevy)!

You call all sneakers "tennis" shoes and Converse are "los champions".

All brands of diapers are called "pampel" or "pampers".

You have ever ground plátanos for pasteles during Christmas time.

Your car has fifteen speakers in it and you fix it every weekend.

You remember when Heineken replaced Shaeffer.

You know the difference between Carolina rice and everything else.

You have ever lived in the Bronx or Brooklyn.

Your uncle has a wife and a "corteja".

You have ever put a penny on your forehead to stop a nose bleed.

You know how to drive "estandard" or "estick" shift.

You can tell the difference between Bustelo and anything else.

A coqui's sound has driven you crazy.

And last, but not least, your grandmother thinks Vick's vapor-rub is the miracle cure for everything.

and I'm spent!

I thank you...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH I forgot all of those, but you made a little mistake:

It's "Schaefer" instead of Shaeffer. You should try the PR brew of that beer, because the one currently made in the states sucks!
My goal is to be the drunk uncle that is when I will have arrived at my destiny.....:rotf:
man at least you have a real goal, my only goal is to wake up every morning.