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i am a book worm


i read all the time, i'm actually reading 4 books now, 2 of them i read over & over again.

Book 1: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Book 2: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
now these 2 books i read over & over again. Great reads for humankind, a lot of LIFE knowledge in these books.

Book 3: The Black Book of Beauty Secrets by KymDouglas & CindyPearlman
Great tips, it's amazing what RED JELLO mix is used for......
Book 4: Connoisseur's Sex Guid by Anne Hooper
The perfect pocket manual for advanced lovers, i really don't need this book but great to have and read. Has pic's too.

I'm a magazine whore too, i subscribe to around 4 mag's one being National Geographic, i just love this magazing. Another is the Lucky mag, i just love a mag all about shopping. Gotta have People and my daughter has a subscription to the Highlights - High Five mag that just came out last year gearing tward ages 2-6.
It is good that you read books, I read, but not that crazy about them..
Yeah right about the sex guide book..lmao..
We know you need it..lol
I read books at work
just read one called happiness sold seperatly
real good book
You read 4 books at the same time!? I can't do that, LOL. I like remaining dedicated to one and then I move on. I love love LOVE books. My dream is to have an entire room with built-in-shelves so I can place all my books-and some-in them. Oh! and a slide around ladder. But for now I have a bookcase, which includes poetry, monologues, fiction, textbooks that I like and a whole shelf of Erotic novels and another shelf dedicated to sex and the city, LOL. Books rule!

Can you tell me more about The Secret by Rhonda?
WOW Crystal, that's one of my dreams is to have my own Library, 2 levels, cat walk on 2nd level, ladder and i want it small, circular would be great, not too big, very old world style with the dark rich woods with stained glass, i can't wait to have it.

But to The Secret, it's basically the laws of attraction, if you think negative then negative you'll get, if u think positive then positive you shall get. What ever thought you have in your head is what you gonna get. It gets deeper than that but that's the basics, it's a great book.
WOW Crystal, that's one of my dreams is to have my own Library, 2 levels, cat walk on 2nd level, ladder and i want it small, circular would be great, not too big, very old world style with the dark rich woods with stained glass, i can't wait to have it.

CHERRY WOOD! That rich wooded color is fucking sexy. And I want mine circular too! :eek: I got so excited just now thinking about it, LMAO. Right in the middle of the room there needs to be a great big mahagony desk...I got plans for that desk. :D

BTW; I def wanna check that book out. I'm curious to know if I'll see the positive or negative aspect to it....
There are over a hundred Kama Sutra books...each exluding and including certain positions and what have you. Do you have or know one in particular that is numero uno?
Naw, I never even seen the book. It's one of those topics you hear about in school or at work. I did a search on it on Wikipedia, and apparently it's orgin goes back to India. Never knew it had volumes...
Gracias baby girl, mi espanol es puro y sazonado con sal, para que le de un buen toque de sabor latino..Ruff..lol

wtf..... rotflmfaoooo :rotf:
The Kama Sutra has been New York's best selling book as of yet. Check it out!

i read the Karma Sutra for 21st Centry Lovers by the same author as the Connoisseur's sex guide Anne Hooper. i also have like 2 other books on same subject, but it's in storage now with all my other books:(